The Highway Department is dedicated to providing safe, courteous, dependable and economical service, wherever and whenever possible for all our residents.
When will my bulk/junk items be picked up?
Your bulk/junk items are picked up by your private sanitation company. Your private sanitation company picks up four (4) bulk items a month. Please contact your sanitation company for acceptable bulk/junk items and dates.
The recycling company did not pick up some/all of my recycling, when will they come back?
Your recycling must be placed curbside the evening prior to you scheduled pickup. If your recycling was not picked up, please call the highway department to at 555-555-5555 to report your missed stop. The Highway Department compiles a list of missed stops and will FAX that list to the Recycling Company. Please leave your recycling out as the Recycling Company will return the following day.
What are the “Drop-Off Center” Hours?
What are the “Drop-Off Center” Regulations?
How do I get a “Drop-Off Center” Permit?
Which section of the Green Waste Program am I in?
Which section of the Green Waste Program in the Highway Department currently servicing?